WVGP renews hosting sponsorship
Thank you to the Wetenschappelijke Vereniging voor de Gezondheid van het Paard (WVGP) for sponsoring our hosting for another three years.
Thank you to the Wetenschappelijke Vereniging voor de Gezondheid van het Paard (WVGP) for sponsoring our hosting for another three years.
It has been a while since Sandra undertook the mammoth task of travelling around the country with a portable eye tracker, but the work is now published by the Veterinary
We have spent a long time trying to understand why hind limb lameness can be such an odd one to assess, and combining clinical experience and observations with movement models
Our evaluation paper on the ‘Effect of gamified perceptual learning on visual detection and discrimination skills in equine gait assessment’ is out! You can download a free open access copy
We would like to thank the Wetenschappelijke Vereniging voor de Gezondheid van het Paard (WVGP) for their donation which will speed up the website. You should notice that the site
In this webinar on 1 May 2020 hosted by Equinosis, Dr Maarten Oosterlinck looks at issues surrounding subjective lameness evaluation and how we can get better at it. Reliability of
Over the years we have received some wonderful messages of support and are very happy that the LamenessTrainer is having a positive impact on the education of veterinary students. We
We are incredibly excited that Dr Kevin Keegan is including the LamenessTrainer in his chapter within the new edition of Adams and Stashak’s Lameness in Horses (7th edition). The book
Clips from The Lameness Trainer have led to a new publication in the Veterinary Record! In this study, Dr Sandra Starke and Dr Maarten Oosterlinck examined the “Reliability of equine
For any queries about the game, the team and our publications, please just get in touch.
The continued hosting, maintenance and development of this site relies on community support. Thank you :-)
Copyright © 2014-2021 Sandra Starke, Gregory Miles and Stephen May