Game Modules

Module 1

In this module you will learn to:

Detect forelimb lameness

Determine the lame limb

Correctly differentiate between sound and mildly lame horses

Module 2

In this module you will learn to:

Detect simplified hind limb lameness based on vertical displacement asymmetry, without hip rotation

Determine the lame limb

Correctly differentiate between sound and mildly lame horses

Module 3

In this module you will learn to:

Detect hind limb lameness based on realistic hip movement including hip rotation

Determine the lame limb based on vertical displacement asymmetry or comparative movement of the hips

Correctly differentiate between sound and mildly lame horses

Module 4

This module lets you practice your new skills on hundreds of horses, containing the 2-year caseload of some lameness experts!

You will practice to:

Correctly evaluate different horses for lameness irrespective of their fur colour

Assign consistent lameness scores